Max slowly raised his hands and stared down at Liz’s stomach. Under the blood, her skin was whole and perfect. He released a shaky sigh of relief.
Liz opened her eyes and stared at him. “I… you…”
“I’ll explain everything later,” Max whispered. “But now I need you to help me.”
He grabbed a bottle of ketchup off the counter and smashed it against the floor. He dumped the contents over the blood on Liz’s uniform.
“You broke the bottle when you fell,” Max told her. “Okay, Liz? You broke the bottle when you fell, that’s all.”
Two paramedics in white jumpsuits hurried behind the counter. Max backed away. Did Liz even understand what he’d asked her to do?
Liz struggled to sit up. “I’m okay,” she said. Her voice sounded hoarse.
Liz opened her eyes and stared at him. “I… you…”
“I’ll explain everything later,” Max whispered. “But now I need you to help me.”
He grabbed a bottle of ketchup off the counter and smashed it against the floor. He dumped the contents over the blood on Liz’s uniform.
“You broke the bottle when you fell,” Max told her. “Okay, Liz? You broke the bottle when you fell, that’s all.”
Two paramedics in white jumpsuits hurried behind the counter. Max backed away. Did Liz even understand what he’d asked her to do?
Liz struggled to sit up. “I’m okay,” she said. Her voice sounded hoarse.
Liz Ortecho es una excelente estudiante de secundaria a punto de graduarse que vive en Roswell, New Mexico. Compagina sus estudios como camarera en el restaurante temático de sus padres cuando durante su turno recibe accidentalmente un disparo. En ese momento se encuentran en el restaurante dos compañeros del instituto: Max y Michael. Tras una breve discusión entre ellos Max decide arriesgarse y detiene la hemorragia mortal que Liz sufre gracias a los poderes que posee como alienígena.
Max, Michael e Isabel son tres alienígenes supervivientes del accidente Rosswell de 1947. Max e Isabel fueron adoptados por un matrimonio de abogados formando una familia faliz, Michael ha pasado por numerosas familias de acogida y solo desea cumplir la mayoría de edad para librarse de asistentes sociales. Los tres viven en Rosswell ocultando su origen y poderes mientras buscan restos de la nave con el deseo de volver a su planeta de origen, sea cual sea. Sin embargo, la decisión de salvar la vida a Liz los ha puesto al descubierto por lo que su principal preocupación será que no se extienda su secreto.
Liz ran her hand lightly down his arm. Max could feel her touch all the way down to his bones. “I know you didn’t do it, Max,” she said. “I know you could never kill anyone.”
There was no trace of deceit in her aura. She meant what she said absolutely She knew the truth about him, the truth he thought he could never reveal to any human, and she still trusted him.
There was no trace of deceit in her aura. She meant what she said absolutely She knew the truth about him, the truth he thought he could never reveal to any human, and she still trusted him.
Aupado al éxito gracias a la correspondiente serie de televisión en la que la autora también participó como co-guionista, la serie Rosswell High combina con éxito los principales elementos de literatura juvenil y los sitúa en un escenario muy concreto, un pueblo de Nuevo México cuyo alto poder de atracción turístico reside en un especulativo accidente alienígena. A partir de ahí, agita un cocktail con una gotas de amor adoslescente, un chorrito de rivalidades estudiantiles y una cantidad generosa de sentimientos ensalzados, mientras los protagonistas se preparan para el baile de fin de curso.
The Outsider
Melinda Metz
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